Saturday, November 1, 2008

Woah, my project's also in the local paper!

This whole Oprah Magazine thing is pretty crazy. Here's a link to a newspaper article on the Women Rule weekend that ran here in Denver. Man, I have GOT to get crackin' on this. I don't think I realized it would be such a big deal!

During the course of the incredible weekend, I had a chance to talk to many women about my project. One thing that the participants kept reflecting to me during the weekend was that I seemed most excited about bees and writing, and less excited about teaching women beekeeping in Africa.

I started to really wonder, what is it that most excites me about bees? What am I most committed to? The answer that came back loud and clear was that I'm most interested saving the bees from whatever is causing Colony Collapse Disorder. Obviously this isn't something I can do alone :) but, it doesn't mean I need to fly off to Africa and teach beekeeping, when I may need to address causes here in the US (like pesticides, for example.)

One of the things I learned most during the Oprah Magazine and The White House project weekend was the power of focus. I know I need to hone in on what exactly I want to do, but for now I'm moving slowly, researching and writing in general about the subject. My first commitment is to finish my novel next spring, but I'm hoping to get involved in some bee education projects in California when we move back there in January.

I'm not sure what it will all look like in the end, but I'm sure interested to see where this wild ride ends up.

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